About Us
The PMA Mission Statement
The Port Moody Aquarians Swim Club is a community youth program committed to providing its members with opportunities to develop and improve athletic skills, social skills, self-esteem, and gain valuable life experiences by participating in a summer competitive team program that is safe, healthy, and fun.
All About PMA
The Port Moody Aquarians is a non-profit organization affiliated with the BC Summer Swimming Association (BCSSA) that competes within the Simon Fraser Region, one of the 8 regions comprising the BCSSA. We have a fun and intensive season that runs from May 1st until the Provincial Championships in August. Swimmers learn stroke improvement, starts and turns, competitive racing, team participation, and good sportsmanship.
The Port Moody Aquarians began in the summer of 1970. The club has grown steadily in membership over the years, and provides swimming opportunities to children and youth in the TriCity area. We maintain an excellent working relationship with the City of Port Moody and train out of the two outdoor pools in Port Moody: Westhill and Rocky Point pools. Swimmers in all groups have scheduled practices at both of these facilities. As a club, we are renowned for hosting our Golden Spike meet which coincides with Port Moody’s Golden Spike Days. We believe in supporting our swimmers with the best coaching available and by providing a positive learning experience.